Conscious World Changers is the platform and community that’s flipping the empowerment

 industry on its head…


Created by Certified Master NLP Practitioners, Owner, and Founder, Michael Torres-Jaimes and Cindy Jaimes, Conscious World Changers is flipping the empowerment industry on its head.

Our goal is to help shift and reframe the way heart-centered individuals see and experience the world by empowering them to uncover and share their unique gifts, talents, and skills so they can begin empowering themselves and those around them.

The CWC community is 100% focused on being the embodiment of our teachings when no one is looking.

We bring together and lead an army of conscious people who desire to make a positive impact by creating a ripple effect of higher consciousness on a global level one person at a time.

Every person in our community is inspired and empowered with the proper leadership skills set by our example.

We work with men and women along their journey of creating personal freedom while impacting others by sharing tools, techniques, and strategies that make significant differences in people's lives.

We do this by molding leaders who will create unique communities that will impact with Empowerment.

We’re consistently providing learning opportunities for personal and spiritual growth while still respecting everyone's individual path.

We help people who have a burning desire to create a positive impact in the world and the lives of those around them by adding value through sharing their gifts, knowledge, and skills.

We work with dedicated and aspiring men and women, who are committed to their transformation, driven to take relentless action on their purpose and passion to change the consciousness of the world.

We work with dedicated and aspiring coaches, who are  providing a high value transformational services.

Conscious World Changers is not for people who are unwilling to look at themselves to take full ownership and responsibility for their success and their failures.

Without our help, these people will continue to be overwhelmed with what feels like “the daunting task” of living their purpose. They’ll continue to feel disempowered to take the necessary action in order to create the impact they’ve been called to make. They’ll continue cycling in self sabotage.

But with our help, they’ll finally break free from the chains that have been keeping them in their mental prison, tied to their limited thinking. They’ll be fully aligned with their mission to help and transform their life and the lives of others. 


Staying true to our vision and mission 100% of the time

Being the embodiment of what we teach when no one is looking. Being vulnerable, honest and humble

Continued growth with each training, delivering a better innovated class every time

Transparency and Honor

Empowering people by sharing tools, techniques, and strategies
and Honor

Giving Back
Adding value to the community, country and world

100% absolute ownership

Having the courage to say and do what most won't. Leading by example through our actions.

What else is there to say be to return to our child like nature

Creating an environment for like minded and spiritually kindred people to come to

Michael Torres Jaimes

Owner, Founder, and Lead Coach

Michael has dedicated his life to guiding others towards their fullest potential. As a Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), he has found his true calling.

Michael's journey takes him across the country where he coaches, speaks, and leads transformative training sessions. These experiences are not just his job; they're his passion, where he helps people realize who they are truly meant to be in this world.

He has also delved into the realms of shamanic energy work, sacred medicines, and ancient Hawaiian wisdom. Michael's focus is on helping individuals shed their emotional burdens and limiting beliefs, reconnecting them with the profound inner wisdom we all possess.

His mission goes beyond the individual; it's about creating a ripple effect of empowerment. Michael aspires to inspire men and women to embrace lives filled with freedom and abundance. Additionally, supporting fellow life coaches in building their careers is a part of his dream to nurture a community of change-makers.

Michael believes we all have an incredible journey ahead, and he is here to walk that path with you, every step of the way.

Cindy Jaimes

Head of Finance and Community Engagement

For 20 years, Cindy successfully climbed the corporate ladder in the hospitality industry becoming Head of Finance & Operations for different corporations like Denny’s, Landrys Inc, & Mastros Steak House.

Growth is one of Cindy's passions! She has been certified in Reiki Levels 1 & 2 (Channeled Energy) Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Health and Fitness Personal Trainer. From front-line workers to CEOs, Cindy has trained over 1,000 different employees throughout her career.

Through this work, she came to understand human psychology and behavioral patterns at the deepest levels. She’s a master in the art of influence, persuasion, negotiation, and the power of the human mind. Now she helps others develop the psychology and mindset they need to create lasting change in their lives. Cindy coaches men and women, helping them be in alignment to attract their ideal partner and achieve ultimate health and fitness in their lives.

How we help our clients


  • Getting clarity on their purpose…
  • Shifting limiting beliefs around business and money…
  • Teach techniques and strategies to get reach their goals faster
  • Support and help them focus and reframe limiting beliefs…
  • Provide the training to help them master their coaching (NLP)…
  • Facilitate accountability for them to reach their goals…

Ready to See How CWC Can Transform Your Life?


Reprogram your mind for complete transformation and empowerment so you can create and live a life that sets your soul on fire!